New Year New Hope

New Year New Hope

From the start, 2020’s new year’s resolution was ‘twenty-plenty’.

Looking back, the year did bring plenty of new things. When the 2020 Coronavirus struck in March, 2020 became a disaster for my business. Especially when president Ramaphosa announced a 21 day hard lockdown. Everything stood still. People were afraid of what the future had in store. As a result, April and May came rolling around without making a single sale. The worry set in. Twenty-Plenty, Pshh!

After binge watching Netflix for I couple of days, I decided to turn 2020 into the year that promised me plenty. Many hours were spent behind the bench creating a jewellery collection to launch when restrictions eased. People felt deprived of retail therapy and they turned to online shopping. Seven great sale months came as a result. ALJ was able to be launched online as a fully functioning e-commerce retail store.  Thank you to all of my amazing followers for sharing and liking my page. Without your continuous support, this would not have been possible!

Twenty twenty ended up bringing plenty. Plenty of changes, creativity and support from my community that lead to plenty of opportunities. All of this allowed me to be where I am today!

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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